Be up on the latest SPAAR news, which will keep you in the know with the latest Association and real estate information.
SPAAR works to create better agents and better communities.
SPAAR reports on the latest in market data, industry news and community outreach.
For media inquiries contact Jennifer Kovacich, Communications Director at Office: (651) 287-3922 or Direct: (612) 801-0498.

REALTORS® Relief Foundation awards $1,000,000 in grant assistance to Minnesota flood victims
REALTORS® Relief Foundation awards $1,000,000 in grant assistance to Minnesota flood victims.
New! Organizations List in Supra eKEY
Supra has announce a new enhancement to the Supra eKEY app that simplifies the process for keyholders to identify where they have access to listings.
SPAAR’s Social Mixer Tour: building connections and community
SPAAR kicked off its Social Mixer tour for 2024 at Tipsy Steer in Roseville. This networking event was the perfect opportunity for SPAAR members to connect, share ideas, and learn about the latest industry trends in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.
Networking Know-How: Building Lasting Relationships
Discover how you can enhance your networking skills and build meaningful relationships that drive your real estate business forward.
Another fun summer SPAAR-B-Q!
SPAAR members enjoyed a cookout at SPAAR on July 23 hosted by SPAAR’s Affiliate Committee. And, luckily, the rain held off.
Tech Dump is August 9 at SPAAR
Tech Dump returns again this year on Friday, August 9, from 10am to 12pm at SPAAR.
Housing Market Quick Bites highlight monthly statistics
SPAAR has created housing market quick bites, a graphic that will coincide with the monthly statistics, highlighting some key numbers. Feel free to use and share with others who may find this information useful.