eNews Archive

eNews – March 1, 2021
Spotlight on SPAAR: introducing 2021 President Tracy Baglio, Minnesota Realtors Call for Action: PPP tax loan forgiveness, and more!
eNews – February 22, 2021
Tune in to hear NAR's changes to the Code of Ethics, Let your creativity shine in honor of Fair Housing, and more!
eNews – February 15, 2021
Small businesses across Minnesota have been struggling for the last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SPAAR adds more products to its online store, and more!
eNews – February 8, 2021
SPAAR launched a new website in late January. Created with members in mind, the new site is easy to navigate and includes features such as social media options for members to quickly and easily be able to share news and information.
eNews – February 1, 2021
President Tracy Baglio represented SPAAR as part of the annual joint news conference on January 26 along with Minneapolis Area of REALTORS® President Todd Walker.
eNews – January 25, 2021
SPAAR is seeking nominations for new SPAAR Heroes to kick off 2021! Each month SPAAR recognizes a member or member team for their community involvement. The recipient(s) is profiled in eNews, social media and in the local paper.
eNews – January 18, 2021
"Martin Luther King Jr is the symbol of equality and pacifism. When I think about him, I think about his journey and the people that were with him, fighting for a society that should naturally be free from discrimination or hate, because after all, we are all humans, just different colors."
eNews – January 11, 2021
Thrive MSP 2040 is an initiative set forth by the Metropolitan Council, the regional policy-making body, planning agency, and provider of essential services for the Twin Cities, and an organization in which SPAAR is a partner. In fact, built in to SPAAR’s 2021-23 strategic plan is the following objective: