
eNews – January 25, 2021

Luke Fleck - 01/25/2021

Nominations wanted for SPAAR Hero!

SPAAR is seeking nominations for new SPAAR Heroes to kick off 2021! Each month SPAAR recognizes a member or member team for their community involvement. The recipient(s) is profiled in eNews, social media and in the local paper. In addition, a $250 is given in their name to the nonprofit or cause of their choice.
SPAAR Hero recognizes members’ to shine a light on the many good things Realtors® are doing in the community every day. SPAAR Hero is also an opportunity to draw attention to nonprofits that are making a difference by impacting lives. Email Joe McKinley at jmckinley@spaar.com to let us know who the next SPAAR Hero should be!
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Time for a few more CE Credits

Tune into SPAAR’s course offerings for CE Credits to stay compliant or simply to take advantage of topics offered.

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