Volunteers sought: financial literacy consultant and personal finance instructor
The Minnesota Council on Economic Education (MCEE) promotes financial literacy through education. MCEE is developing Minnesota’s new financial literacy curriculum, which will be required in MN high schools beginning in 2026. REALTORS® Charitable Foundation awarded a grant to MCEE in 2023 to support its programs that help prepare students to manage their personal finances.
Virtual event with author on April 4 to discuss housing affordability and more
SPAAR’s Housing book club is currently reading "Homesick: Why Housing is Unaffordable and How We Can Change It" by Brendan O’Brien.
Email Marketing Strategies for Realtors®
In the dynamic realm of real estate, email marketing remains a strong tool for Realtors® aiming to cultivate lasting relationships and convert leads into loyal clients.
Member resources for settlement agreement
Members can find settlement resources at facts.realtor.
Coffee with the President may be heading your way next
Feel free to email Amy directly at amy@realtoramy.com if you want her to connect with you in advance of the Coffee with the President in your area.
Are Home Buyers On The Move? – Beyond The Stats
Dive into the February 2024 housing market statistics!
Settlement Factsheet
NAR and plaintiffs have reached a proposed settlement agreement that would end litigation of claims brought on behalf of home sellers related to broker commissions.
An Interview With 2024 SPAAR President Amy Peterson
2024 SPAAR President Amy discusses what members can expect to experience this year at SPAAR, her thoughts on AI in the real estate industry, and more.