
NAR Midyear legislative meeting recap

SPAAR - 05/11/2023

Realtors® from Minnesota had a full week at the National Association of REALTORS® Midyear legislative meetings last week, May 6-11. Minnesota Realtors® hosted a kickoff reception for all Minnesota attendees on Sunday evening.

Other activities included the Fair Housing Policy Committee early in the week that featured a presentation about bias against FHA financing and addressing resistance via increased education.  A speaker from HUD presented on the increased adoption of VA Loans, and reminded attendees that veterans are also frequently members of classes protected under the federal Fair Housing Act.

NAR’s Diversity Committee reviewed pillars of NAR’s Diversity Plan and committee approved measures to increase Fair Housing Education for Realtors® and mandate completion of At Home With Diversity, Fairhaven and Unconscious Bias Training for all volunteers serving on NAR’s Board of Directors, all measures that would move forward for consideration by NAR’s BOD at its May 11 meeting.

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