Be up on the latest SPAAR news, which will keep you in the know with the latest Association and real estate information.
SPAAR works to create better agents and better communities.
SPAAR reports on the latest in market data, industry news and community outreach.
For media inquiries contact Jennifer Kovacich, Communications Director at Office: (651) 287-3922 or Direct: (612) 801-0498.

Enroll in SPAAR’s payment plan by September 25 to pay membership dues
SPAAR is again offering a flexible dues billing program for the 2024 dues cycle.
Learn about the benefits available to members
SPAAR members should have received their first dues notice the week of August 21 for their 2024 membership that covers their local, state and national dues.
Getting to Know Gabe Walsh: SPAAR’s new CEO since July 1
Gabe, who stepped into his role on July 1, 2024, brings a wealth of experience and a member-driven focus to the SPAAR.
Learn self-defense techniques and situational awareness
Take part in an introduction to self-defense class during REALTOR® Safety Month.
SPAAR announces Nominating Committee report to membership
All SPAAR members are receiving this announcement via eNews that the SPAAR Nominating Committee has recommended the following slate of six candidates to serve on its Board of Directors beginning in 2025.
Fourth quarter MLS invoices are due September 30
Fourth quarter MLS payments are due on or before September 30, 2024, to avoid suspension of MLS access.
Meeting in a Box Safety-Focused Presentation
SPAAR put together a “safety in a box” PowerPoint presentation to be easily shared with offices during team meetings.