eNews – February 1, 2021
President Tracy Baglio represented SPAAR as part of the annual joint news conference on January 26 along with Minneapolis Area of REALTORS® President Todd Walker.Real Estate Fundamentals
REF is a 3-day program, offering 7.5 hours of continuing education, and is designed to follow the New Member Orientation giving a next step comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of real estate. From topics such as taxes and financial planning, professionalism, marketing, and more, Real Estate Fundamentals will give a hands-on learning approach to the […]
Despite the headwinds, 2020 was a record-breaking year for housing
“Predictably, the result of record sales combined with ultra-low inventory meant rising prices and sellers accepting stronger offers in less time,” according to Tracy Baglio, President of SPAAR.
eNews – January 25, 2021
SPAAR is seeking nominations for new SPAAR Heroes to kick off 2021! Each month SPAAR recognizes a member or member team for their community involvement. The recipient(s) is profiled in eNews, social media and in the local paper.
Grow your expertise with SPAAR’s REALTOR® Success Academy
SPAAR is kicking off a new four-part professional development path for Better Agents.
Beware of unemployment fraud
Criminals are likely to seek out those most vulnerable for unemployment fraud.
Share your whereabouts
Let someone who where you'll be and when they should expect you back.