
SPAAR honors Golden Rule Recognition recipients

SPAAR - 02/28/2024

SPAAR recognizes Colleen Brockberg Louder, Lisa Handley and Cristina Young, three Realtors® who were recently recognized by their peers for their commitment to professionalism by displaying respectful, fair, honest and ethical behavior, receiving SPAAR’s Golden Rule Recognition.

Here are the reasons they were selected to receive for SPAAR’s Golden Rule Recognition:

Colleen Brockberg Louder

“I recently submitted an offer for my buyers on one of Colleen Brockberg Louder‘s listings. She took my call and spent a comfortable amount of time sharing what I could do to ensure my buyers would have a chance in multiple offers. Colleen was friendly, courteous, professional and efficient. Unfortunately, my buyers did not have their offer chosen. however, Colleen took the time to leave me a voicemail explaining that they will be working with a different offer. She also sent out an email to all 14 agents updating us on the breakdown of the offers they received. This information was very helpful to me as well as my buyers. It is an honor and a privilege to be in business with great agents in the Twin City market like Colleen.”

Lisa Handley

“Lisa Handley is a terrific real estate professional because of her incredible work ethic mixed with her innate passion to coach and support others. She is always willing to share her knowledge, tools, tips and solutions with fellow agents. Her communication is always top notch. She answers the phone and is solutions focused. She is quick to give to charitable organizations as well as jump into help when someone has a need in the community. I am grateful to be her mentee and friend; she is a bright light.”

Cristina Young

“Cristina Young is a wonderful teacher and leader. She is always going out of her way to help other Realtors® succeed. She believes that the more well-trained Realtors® there are, the better for everybody. Cris goes out of her way to find opportunities for new agents to get new experiences and knowledge. She is open to helping anyone and she is a mentor to many agents throughout our company. Cris is a shining example of the golden rule. Not only is she generous with her time and knowledge, she is also a giving person who is always keeping an eye out for everyone.”

Congratulations Colleen, Lisa and Cristina! Know someone deserving of a Golden Rule Recognition? Let SPAAR know by emailing spaar@spaar.com and be sure to include Golden Rule Recognition in the subject line.

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