
Safety Month Snapshot

SPAAR - 09/02/2021

September is safety month at SPAAR! Many great things are going on at SPAAR this month to celebrate.

SPAAR is hosting the first ever Safety Day Fair! Not only can you join us for some local lunch favorites, but take a short walk around the parking lot to discover some important safety related tips from the experts! This event is not just for REALTORS®, but everyone needs to be safety-aware.

The new safety class, Hey, Realtor®! Let's Talk Safety - 1.5 CE Hours, is launching this month! Students will identify dangerous habits and situations and discuss practical applications to working with clients and customers that can help protect themselves as well as the clients, customers, and properties they serve. At the conclusion of this course, attendees will have explored various areas and best practices to implement better safety precautions using some tools and resources available to everyone.

In addition to safety classes, SPAAR will be sharing weekly safety tips in the eNews and on social media! Do you have a safety tip that would benefit the REALTOR® community? Email your safety tip to Jennifer Kovacich, Communications Director, at SPAAR.

Last but not least, SPAAR has lots of safety resources for you and your clients. Most notable are the Seller Safety Checklist, NAR’s Safety Month Calendar, and new safety videos! Find all these resources and more at our safety page.

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Time for a few more CE Credits

Tune into SPAAR’s course offerings for CE Credits to stay compliant or simply to take advantage of topics offered.

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