
Member News

Housing-focused topic for SPAAR book club starts February 22

SPAAR's Housing Affordability Task Force is hosting the next housing-focused book club pick Homesick: Why Housing Is Unaffordable and How We Can Change It.
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Realtor® Day at the Capitol is Monday, March 4

This year's Realtor® Day at the Capitol will be Monday, March 4, 2024.
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Realtor® Connect Mixer hosted by Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

SPAAR members are invited to join in the Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Realtor® Connect Mixer on Thursday, February 22, from 3:30-5:30pm.
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Sheri Richards earns RCE designation

Sheri Richards earns RCE designation.
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SPAAR in the News

Local news featured Amy Peterson, 2024 President of the Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS®, sharing about the 2023 housing market.
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New Members – January 2024

Welcome, January 2024 new members to the Realtor® family!
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SPAAR members find value in Northern Lights leadership training

SPAAR officers and its Board of Directors joined other local Association officers and Board of Directors for leadership training as part of the Minnesota Realtors® Northern Lights conference.
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A Winter Social recap

Ignite others; light the way home was the theme of SPAAR's annual Winter Social that took place on January 10, 2024, at The Saint Paul Hotel.
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New Members – December 2023

Welcome, December 2023 new members to the Realtor® family!
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