
C2EX Opportunity AND Incentive!

SPAAR has a great opportunity—and an amazing incentive! Seize the opportunity to become endorsed in NAR's Commitment to Excellence (C2EX) program.
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eNews – May 17, 2021

SPAAR's annual Shred-It event another success in 2021, C2EX opportunity AND incentive, NeighborhoodLIFT program could help qualifying clients and more in this issue of the eNews.
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Supply Rebounds from 2020 Levels While Demand Continues to Rise

Market times fastest in 14 years amid record home prices in the Twin Cities
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eNews – May 10, 2021

REALTORS® Charitable Foundation grants are due this Friday, May 14, Free local annual dues for 2022? It's feasible, Housing Market Statistics, and more!
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SPAAR response to Star Tribune article: St. Paul Realtor group withdraws as a partner in project to expose racist covenants. Published May 3, 2021.

St. Paul Realtor group withdraws as a partner in project to expose racist covenants. Published May 3, 2021.
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eNews – May 3, 2021

Spotlight on SPAAR: What to Expect from a Realtor® -- Fair Housing, SPAAR announces Fair Housing coloring contest winners, Rent control: seeking Realtor® input and involvement, and more!
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FHFA Announces Extension of COVID-Related Loan Flexibilities

Flexibilities to retire at the end of May due to low usage.
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Coloring Content Winners – Fair Housing Month

Everyone Is Welcome In My Neighborhood!
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Code of Ethics – FAQ

Frequently asked questions regarding Code of Ethics compliance!
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