Advocacy Updates – April 2024
Advocacy Updates go out monthly via the SPAAR Advocacy Report. If you're not receiving the advocacy report and would like to, email spaar@spaar.com.
April Advocacy Report
Here is your advocacy update for the month of March! The Saint Paul Area Association of Realtors® Advocacy Report goes out each month and is your one-stop-shop for everything related to Government Affairs throughout SPAAR's jurisdiction.
SPAAR shares key findings from its housing poll report
The Saint Paul Area Association of Realtors® (SPAAR) conducted a poll of nearly 2,000 voters in Ramsey, Anoka, and Washington Counties in 2023 seeking their views on rent control, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), short-term rentals, the affordability and availability of housing in Minnesota, and more. The purpose of conducting this poll was to gauge voter attitudes on issues important to SPAAR’s advocacy efforts.
For March 2024: spring market continues budding; buyers seeing more options
The Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS® provides a monthly statistics overview for the housing market.Must-read special digital supplement of REALTOR® Magazine about pending settlement
Featuring 16 pages of information to clarify misconceptions surrounding the proposed settlement.NAR President Kevin Sears answers questions about the future of NAR and the recently announced settlement agreement.
A recent podcast episode of the Real Estate Insiders Unfiltered, published today, features NAR President Kevin Sears answering questions about the future of NAR and the recently announced settlement agreement.The Real Estate Insiders Unfiltered podcast discusses a post-lawsuit world
The Real Estate Insiders Unfiltered podcast discusses a post-lawsuit world