
Updated Matrix System Now Available

SPAAR - 02/10/2022

Dear SPAAR members,

On behalf of NorthstarMLS, SPAAR is pleased to share that the newly updated Matrix system is now available.


The newly updated system and the current system will run parallel through Tuesday, February 22, when the cutover will change exclusively to the updated system. These updates are not major changes to how you use the system, but improvements that include input provided by both agents and brokers towards a better MLS experience—more modern, efficient, fewer clicks.


This is now the current Matrix MLS system going forward. To go to the updated version, go to this web address: https://matrix.commondataplatform.com


As part of this transition, there are several actions you will need to take in order to preserve your own personal information and settings that are found in this checklist of items. This is a one-time process for you to recreate your personal settings that cannot be moved to the updated system. Also, your Contacts, Saved Searches and Auto-Emails are all copied over to the updated system for you. As noted in the checklist, you do need to review them and re-activate the Auto-Emails to move your clients over to the new OneHome client Portal.


The updates to Matrix also made the OneHome client portal upgrade possible and prepares NorthstarMLS for more enhancements coming later this year, including a better CMA and the ability for List Agents and office staff to view, email and print Incomplete listings before saving them as Active.


It is important for all NorthstarMLS subscribers to attend one of our live 30-minute webinars on this update. Below is the schedule of available dates/times for both the Matrix Update and new OneHome client portal webinars. Although NorthstarMLS has sessions available through the final February 22 cutover, it is recommended that you attend an earlier session to help make your transition as smooth as possible. NorthstarMLS also has a OneHome webinar recording and a Matrix Update webinar recording.


 Matrix Update Webinars:


 OneHome Client Portal Webinars:


SPAAR will hold two in-person sessions for members who want an additional level of hands-on support for the update. Click on a link to register for the sessions taking place on Friday, February 18 from 10-11am and on Wednesday, February 23 from 2-3pm. Members should bring a device to work on during their session of choice.


Additional questions? Contact the NorthstarMLS Help Desk at help@northstarmls.com or (651) 251-5456. The Help Desk is available Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm, and team members are ready to assist.


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