
Tracy Baglio recently installed as 2021 SPAAR President

“It's an honor and privilege to serve as the 2021 President of SPAAR. Throughout my career, one thing has remained the same. I have loved this business since the day I started more than three decades ago."

SPAAR - 01/13/2021

Tracy Baglio has been installed as the 2021 President of the Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS® (SPAAR), which encompasses 12 counties including those north, east and south of Saint Paul. Both a resident and Realtor® of Stillwater, Tracy has a long tenure in the industry in which she makes up the Baglio Real Estate Group along with her husband, Carl.

Tracy has been involved at SPAAR for many years, including previously serving on SPAAR’s Board of Directors, including in the role as Treasurer twice, as well as chair of SPAAR’s Government Affairs Committee. Now, as SPAAR’s 2021 President, Tracy will oversee the Board of Directors meetings, be part of the Executive Committee and represent SPAAR’s 7,600-plus members as the Association’s member spokesperson.

“It's an honor and privilege to serve as the 2021 President of the St. Paul Area Association of Realtors®. Throughout my career, one thing has remained the same. I have loved this business since the day I started more than three decades ago. Every day I feel blessed to work in a business that is about making people's dreams come true,” Baglio said.

Rounding out the 2021 leadership team are Mark Mason, 2021 President-elect and Brianne Lawrence, 2021 Treasurer. Together, they will represent the Association at the local, state and national levels attending meetings, events and conferences in their respective roles.

SPAAR has 7,600 members within its 12-county jurisdiction. There are about 21,000 Realtors® statewide.


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