
SPAAR helps members help teachers!

SPAAR - 09/29/2024

With the school year underway, students and teachers may lack necessary school supplies and resources for the classroom. In fact, many teachers use their personal funds to purchase supplies for their classrooms to ensure students have what they need.

Know a teacher who could use a gift card?

SPAAR’s Community Engagement Committee is giving SPAAR members* a $75.00 Amazon Gift Card to give to a teacher.

It's easy! Deliver the gift card and take a selfie that SPAAR can post on social media. Together, SPAAR members will support educators and students while showing how Realtors® support their communities.

*Email SPAAR@SPAAR.COM to request the gift card for a teacher. This opportunity is open to all members of SPAAR; a limited number of gift cards are available.

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