
SPAAR announces Nominating Committee report to membership

SPAAR - 09/09/2024

Today, September 9, 2024, all SPAAR members are receiving this announcement via eNews. The SPAAR Nominating Committee has recommended the following slate of three Director candidates to serve on its Board of Directors beginning in 2025, as follows:

  • Kayla Milbrath-Gustafson, Director for three-year term from 2025-2027
  • Nichole Kappel, Director for three-year term from 2025-2027
  • Adriana Martinez, Director for three-year term from 2025-2027

These members have served in various capacities within SPAAR over the years, including serving on many of SPAAR's Committees.

Any REALTOR® member wishing to petition to run as an additional candidate to be considered for one of the above positions may be nominated by petition that is signed by at least seventy-five (75) REALTOR® members and submitted to Tracey Douglas, SPAAR COO, at tdouglas@spaar.com no later than September 23, 2024.

Any nominations so made shall be added to the list of nominees shown above as selected by the Nominating Committee and all such nominees shall appear on a ballot to be voted on by the REALTOR® members.

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