
SPAAR announces fifth year of the Key Communities Grant Program

SPAAR - 12/02/2024

SPAAR has announced its fifth year of the Key Communities Grant Program, which officially launches on Thursday, December 4. The Key Communities Program was created to build strong ties between Realtor® members and communities within SPAAR’s 12-county service area.

With recent funding allocated from SPAAR’s Board of Directors and the Government Affairs Committee, SPAAR is excited about this year's program and the three communities that will be chosen by the members of SPAAR’s Government Affairs Committee through the application process (see application below).

Below are Key Communities projects from recent years:

  • In Blaine: a home improvement booklet
  • In Burnsville: diversity banners
  • In Centerville: placemaking software
  • In Coon Rapids: community banners along Coon Rapids Boulevard
  • In Faribault: a walkability study
  • In Farmington: a wayfinding study
  • In St. Paul along Grand Avenue: hanging flower baskets

Once the cities are chosen, SPAAR members and staff will work with community stakeholders within those cities to determine a city-led program or project to be funded with a grant of up to $1,500 and to help identify other relevant grants available. The grant shall fund efforts related to homeownership, placemaking, walkability and related ideas.

Apply for a 2025 Key Communities grant; applications are due on or before December 20, 2024, at 5pm.

Key Communities is a yearlong initiative with the potential for continuation or renewal. The program brings together local, state and national programs designed to increase the partnership between Realtors® and local communities.

SPAAR will help the community identify available and sustainable resources as well as provide technical support with applications for these resources.

For questions or more information, contact SPAAR's Government Affairs Directors, Becky Wegscheid and Simon Opatz.

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