
Saint Paul’s 1-4 Unit Housing Study

SPAAR - 02/10/2022

Saint Paul’s 1-4 Unit Housing Study is engaging the community around zoning and 1-4 unit, neighborhood-scale housing types to inform the proposed zoning code amendments to support a greater range of housing options in one-family, two-family, and townhouse zoning districts.

Zoning code regulations can determine the size, layout, and type of housing allowed on a property.


Join Saint Paul staff and stakeholders at two virtual engagement sessions to learn more about the 1-4 unit Housing Study and share your ideas on opportunities for the City to add more neighborhood-scale housing. Each session will include a presentation on the study, followed by small group discussions and sharing time. Each session is open to everyone.


The two engagement sessions will be held on Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 pm and Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 pm.


For more information and to attend the engagement sessions, visit: https://engagestpaul.org/1to4housingstudy

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