
Brighten a member’s day with kindness, a card, and a cup of coffee.

Random Act of Kindness Day is Monday, February 17, 2025. This day was created to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness. SPAAR wants to help spread positivity and is welcoming all REALTOR® and Affiliate members to share words of kindness with another SPAAR REALTOR® and Affiliate member.

It’s simple. Complete this form by sharing a SPAAR member’s name, company name/city, and SPAAR will send them a card from you. Optional: you may include a personal message (up to 50 words) to be handwritten in the card. A $5 coffee card will also be included. Thank you for sharing kindness!

Deadline to submit a Random Act of Kindness Day message: Friday, February 7.


Your Name(Required)
Nominee's Name(Required)
Nominee's Office(Required)
SPAAR staff will handwrite your message!