u003ciframe title=u0022YouTube video playeru0022 src=u0022https://www.youtube.com/embed/IZFQeBc-dkA?si=AZesj73qeaEUnt3Mu0022 width=u0022560u0022 height=u0022315u0022 frameborder=u00220u0022 allowfullscreen=u0022allowfullscreenu0022u003eu003c/iframeu003ernrnu0026nbsp;rnu003ch2u003eu003cspan class=u0022underline underlineu002du002dpurpleu0022u003eWhat Brokers Need To Knowu003c/spanu003eu003c/h2u003ernBeginning on January 1, 2025, SPAAR will offer access to the MLS without holding REALTOR® membership.rnrnu003cspan data-olk-copy-source=u0022MessageBodyu0022u003eA Nonmember MLS Subscriber is an individual who holds a valid, active real estate or appraisal license and is not affiliated with any local, state, or national REALTOR® association. u003c/spanu003ernrnAs defined by the SPAAR Bylaws: u003cspan data-olk-copy-source=u0022MessageBodyu0022u003eAn individual who holds a current, valid real estate license and cooperate or are licensed or certified by an appropriate state regulatory agency to engage in the appraisal of real property. (Sec. 5) Subscribers (or users) of the MLS include non-principal brokers, sales associates, and licensed and certified appraisers affiliated with participants. Subscribers also include affiliated unlicensed administrative and clerical staff, personal assistants, and individuals seeking licensure or certification as real estate appraisers who are under the direct supervision of an MLS participant or the participant’s licensed designee. (Sec. 6)u003c/spanu003ernrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu0026nbsp;rnu003ch3u003eu003cspan class=u0022underline underlineu002du002dpurpleu0022u003eHow Does This Affect You?u003c/spanu003eu003c/h3u003ernAgents in your office may choose to be a Nonmember MLS Subscriber. If a real estate agent joins a REALTOR® office, brokers are financially responsible for Nonmember MLS Subscribers working in REALTOR® member offices. This includes the local, state and national dues minus the NAR advertising campaign fee.rnrnWe understand that circumstances may come up that will affect your office. We are researching some of those at this time, and will update the information as soon as we have it available.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnu003ch3u003eu003cspan class=u0022underline underlineu002du002dpurpleu0022u003eWhen Are Applications Open?u003c/spanu003eu003c/h3u003ernu003cp class=u0022x_MsoNormalu0022 style=u0022text-align: left;u0022 data-olk-copy-source=u0022MessageBodyu0022u003eThe Nonmember MLS subscriber access is open for applications on November 1, 2024. If you know that you are going to choose this option, you will want to fill out the application and get it in to us by November 30, 2024, so that we can work on getting you set up in our systems properly with a start date of January 1, 2025. You will need to submit a Nonmember Subscriber Application, Nonmember Subscriber Addendum and pay an application fee of $100.u003c/pu003ernu003cp class=u0022x_MsoNormalu0022 style=u0022text-align: left;u0022 data-olk-copy-source=u0022MessageBodyu0022u003eIf you have paid your 2025 REALTOR® membership dues, please submit a refund request to u003ca href=u0022mailto:billing@spaar.comu0022 data-linkindex=u00221u0022 data-ogsc=u0022u0022u003ebilling@spaar.comu003c/au003e by December 31, 2024. Dues are non-refundable as of January 1, 2025.u003c/pu003e
u003ch2u003eu003cspan class=u0022underline underlineu002du002dpurpleu0022u003eWhat’s Included?u003c/spanu003eu003c/h2u003ernu003cspan class=u0022OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-noneu0022u003eNonmember MLS Subscribers will receive essential support and services that focus primarily on MLS access and tools. Manyu003c/spanu003e programs and services will be only offered to SPAAR REALTOR® members, and there will be others open to everyone – some at no cost and some for a fee.
u003cp style=u0022text-align: center;u0022u003eu003ca class=u0022btnu0022 href=u0022http://spaar.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Nonmember-MLS-Subscriber-Cost-and-Guide-Version-1.1.pdfu0022u003eu003cspan class=u0022OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-noneu0022u003eNonmember MLS Subscriber Cost and Guideu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003eu003c/pu003ernu003cp style=u0022text-align: center;u0022u003eu003ca class=u0022btnu0022 href=u0022http://spaar.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Prorated_Dues_Schedule.pdfu0022u003eProrated Dues Scheduleu003c/au003eu003c/pu003e
u003ch2u003eu003cspan class=u0022underline underlineu002du002dblueu0022u003eMastering NAR’s Three-Way Agreement Dynamics u0026amp; A Dues Policies Refresheru003c/spanu003eu003c/h2u003ernReplay this February AEI Year-Round Webinar recorded February 20, 2024, to delve into the intricacies of NAR’s three-way agreement u0026amp; dues policies. To hear why the three-way agreement exists, skip to 2:55. To hear about the dues formula, skip ahead to 12:35.rnrnu003ca class=u0022btnu0022 href=u0022https://www.nar.realtor/aei-year-round-virtual-sessions/mastering-nars-three-way-agreement-dynamics-a-dues-policies-refresheru0022u003eWatch Webinaru003c/au003e
u003ch2 style=u0022text-align: center;u0022u003eu003cspan class=u0022underline underlineu002du002dpurpleu0022u003eFAQu003c/spanu003eu003c/h2u003e
What is included?
u0026nbsp;rnrnu003cimg class=u0022aligncenter size-large wp-image-6326u0022 src=u0022http://spaar.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Whats-included-10.24.2024-final-791×1024.webpu0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022791u0022 height=u00221024u0022 /u003ernu003cp style=u0022text-align: center;u0022u003eu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003eu003c/pu003e
Does the Bylaws change mean I no longer have to be a REALTOR® member in order to access the RMLS through SPAAR?
Yes. The SPAAR Bylaws change allows for Minnesota licensed real estate salespersons and appraisers to be permitted MLS participation rights in the Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota, Inc. (AKA NorthstarMLS).rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/28/2024u003c/emu003e
Can anyone become an MLS participant?
No. Only individuals who hold an active real estate or appraiser license.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
What is a nonmember?
An individual who holds a valid, active real estate or appraisal license and is not affiliated with any local, state or national REALTOR® Association.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
I want to be able to access the MLS, but I don’t want to be a REALTOR®. May I still be a member of SPAAR?
No. While SPAAR offers an option of nonmember MLS subscriber for MLS access only, membership means you are a REALTOR® with all the exclusive benefits and services included, such as free continuing education classes, free networking and social events, advocacy services, and a variety of other support services unrelated to the MLS. Those are benefits available exclusively to SPAAR members and will not be available to those who are not REALTORS®.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
Can those who are not REALTOR® members use the term REALTOR®?
No. The term REALTOR® is licensed only to principals who are members of a local, state and the National Association of REALTORS® and the licensees affiliated with the REALTOR® principal(s). Anyone outside these parameters using the term is in violation of NAR’s Federal Trademark and faces legal ramifications for unauthorized use of the trademark.rnrnFurthermore, nonmembers of SPAAR must remove the term REALTORS® from any printed materials, including but not limited to business cards, signs, documents, and all digital marketing.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
What are the dues for nonmember MLS access vs. REALTOR® membership?
There are no REALTOR® dues to nonmembers.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
Is there a fee to change from REALTOR® to nonmember MLS subscriber access?
Yes.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
Is the fee for nonmember MLS subscriber access different than the quarterly fees I pay as a REALTOR® member?
Yes.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
Will I have the same access to MLS as I did as a REALTOR® member?
Yes, it is the same MLS access; however, you will not receive forms, TransactionDesk, RPR®, and more.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
Will I still have access to the Supra electronic lockbox system?
Yes. SPAAR is working with Supra to facilitate this transition.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
May I still purchase sign riders at SPAAR?
Yes.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
May I still take CE Courses through SPAAR – either in person or online?
Yes.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
May I still attend SPAAR events?
On a limited basis.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
May I join or remain on a committee at SPAAR?
No, committee participation and Board of Director positions are only open to REALTOR® members and Affiliate members at SPAAR.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
Will I have access to Ethics and Arbitration through Minnesota Realtors®?
No.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
Will I have access to forms through Minnesota Realtors®?
No.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/24/2024u003c/emu003e
May I maintain my SPAAR REALTOR® membership but no longer be a part of NAR or MNR?
No. SPAAR is a REALTOR® Association and that structure has not changed. Under the three-way agreement, a REALTOR® does not have the ability to choose only one Association and not the others; membership is at the local, state and national levels for all REALTORS®. Each level of membership provides unique benefits and opportunities for members.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/25/2024u003c/emu003e
What is the three-way agreement, and how does it work for members?
u003ca href=u0022https://www.nar.realtor/aei-year-round-virtual-sessions/mastering-nars-three-way-agreement-dynamics-a-dues-policies-refresheru0022u003eThis videou003c/au003e provides a detailed overview of the three-way agreement between the national, state and local Associations.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/25/2024u003c/emu003e
I currently hold REALTOR® membership but wish to drop my membership and have MLS access as a nonmember. Can I do this?
Yes. Starting January 1, 2025, licensed real estate agents and appraisers may access the MLS without REALTOR® membership. However, if your license is held within an office where the principal REALTOR® (broker) holds REALTOR® membership, your principal REALTOR® will be responsible for payment of local, state and national dues on your behalf, pursuant to the NAR dues formula.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/25/2024u003c/emu003e
I am the principal REALTOR® (broker owner) of my office and I don’t want to be responsible for dues of agents who want to be nonmembers. Can my office become a non-member office?
Yes. The principal REALTOR® may choose to no longer hold REALTOR® membership, at which point none of the agents within that office may hold REALTOR® membership. All agents in the office would no longer have access to REALTOR® benefits including MNR Forms/TransactionDesk, the MNR Legal Hotline, free education, Realtor Property Resource® (RPR®), REALTOR® Certifications and Designations, Code of Ethics and Arbitration, and use of the REALTOR® trademark, among other REALTOR®-only benefits.rnrnu0026nbsp;rnrnu003cemu003eLast Updated 10/25/2024u003c/emu003e
u003ch2 style=u0022text-align: left;u0022u003eu003cspan class=u0022underline underlineu002du002dpurpleu0022u003eQuestions?u003c/spanu003eu003c/h2u003ernu003cp class=u0022x_MsoNormalu0022 style=u0022text-align: left;u0022 data-olk-copy-source=u0022MessageBodyu0022u003eThe Nonmember MLS subscriber access is open for applications on November 1, 2024. If you know that you are going to choose this option, you will want to fill out the application and get it in to us by November 30, 2024, so that we can work on getting you set up in our systems properly with a start date of January 1, 2025. You will need to submit a Nonmember Subscriber Application, Nonmember Subscriber Addendum and pay an application fee of $100.u003c/pu003ernu003cp class=u0022x_MsoNormalu0022 style=u0022text-align: left;u0022 data-olk-copy-source=u0022MessageBodyu0022u003eIf you have paid your 2025 REALTOR® membership dues, please submit a refund request to u003ca href=u0022mailto:billing@spaar.comu0022 data-linkindex=u00221u0022 data-ogsc=u0022u0022u003ebilling@spaar.comu003c/au003e by December 31, 2024. Dues are non-refundable as of January 1, 2025.u003c/pu003ernu003cp style=u0022text-align: left;u0022u003eGot questions? Reach out to us at at u003ca class=u0022pxfooter__linku0022 href=u0022tel:(651) 776-6000u0022u003e(651) 776-6000u003c/au003e or u003ca class=u0022pxfooter__linku0022 href=u0022mailto:spaar@spaar.comu0022u003espaar@spaar.comu003c/au003eu003c/pu003ernu003ca class=u0022btnu0022 href=u0022https://spaar.com/membership-information/spaar-forms/u0022u003eFind all forms hereu003c/au003ernu003cp style=u0022text-align: left;u0022u003eu003c/pu003e