
NAR articles address litigation update, value articulation, and more!

SPAAR - 05/31/2023

The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) shared two recent articles.

The first, with updates related to litigation involving NAR and what members can do to help educate consumers about the Realtor® value as well as how local MLS broker marketplaces work to promote equity, transparency and market-driven pricing options for consumers, can be read in REALTOR® Magazine.

The second article highlights the importance of articulating members’ value to clients and consumers, being an advocate for local MLS broker marketplaces and encouraging the use of buyer broker agreements in order to maximize transparency in RealTrends.

As the leading advocate for real estate professionals and the clients they serve, as well as being an actual party in these cases, NAR is both an accurate and authoritative source for litigation updates and impacts.

For further information and other additional resources, check out Competition.Realtor.

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