
MN Real Estate License Continuing Education Requirements

SPAAR - 07/06/2022

As a real estate licensee, you will have continuing education requirements that must be completed before June 30 each year (except for the first June 30 that occurs after you become licensed for the first time or become newly relicensed after your license was inactive for more than two years).

The MN Department of Commerce (DOC) requires real estate salespersons to complete 30 hours of real estate continuing education (CE) before their June 30 license renewal deadline, and at least 15 of those hours must be completed before the previous June 30. Continuing education must be taken in the appropriate license period; extra hours or courses do not carry over into the next period or satisfy future renewal requirements. You may not repeat a continuing education course for credit during the same licensing period.


REQUIRED COURSES: As part of required hours, there are minimum required courses to complete.

  • At least one hour of “Agency Laws” must be completed as part of the 30 hours required for license renewal.
  • At least one hour of “Fair Housing” must be completed as part of the 30 hours required for license renewal.
  • A specific general module continuing education course must be completed as part of the 15 hours each license year:
    • 21/22 General Module: The History of Diversity in Homeownership must be completed by June 30, 2022.
    • 22/23 General Module: Practical Application to Inclusive Representation must be completed by June 30, 2023.


Review Your CE Transcript

Course completion information is uploaded to Pulse Portal for attendees who have qualified for and completed any real estate continuing education course approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce. Course completions will be submitted within 10 business days from the course date. To ensure your credits have been reported properly and to stay up to date on your CE requirements, please check your CE Transcripts regularly. Any questions or discrepancies should be directed to the course provider of each completed course.


To view or print a copy of your CE Transcript, follow these steps:

  1. Visit pulseportal.com
  2. Choose a Program: Minnesota Department of Commerce
  3. Choose a Board: Real Estate
  4. Other Services: Review Your CE Transcript
  5. Enter your Last Name, License Number, and SSN and select Next
  6. Click on the View/Refresh Report button

Your transcript will pop open in a new window or browser tab. If nothing happens, you likely have a pop-up blocker on and will need to “Allow pop-ups from this page/site”. Click on the instructions below your name to enable pop-ups.

For all system related questions or if you experience technical difficulties, please contact Minnesota PULSE Support at 833-814-0228 or pulse_support@vertafore.com (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST).


Reading your CE Transcript

All courses listed below the summary chart are a record of what courses you've received CE credit for during the two- year licensing period. You may not repeat a continuing education course for credit during the same licensing period. If you find credits are missing, contact the education provider of the course to determine why they are not appearing on your transcript. Check for multiple pages on the top ribbon – this can be easily missed. You can also download and/or print copies of all your real estate continuing education classes you have completed during this current licensing cycle from the top ribbon.

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