
Join SPAAR’s upcoming book club to read and discuss Shoe Dog

SPAAR - 01/13/2025

Join SPAAR's upcoming book club to read and discuss Shoe Dog, a first-person memoir written by Nike cofounder Phil Knight.

This book explores themes that include telling the truth as a successful business strategy; breaking rules in order to succeed; and the desire for victory as Nike’s binding spirit.

Furthermore, the book will walk through the first years with Knight and take readers into his struggles and challenges, and ultimately taking his company public and becoming a multimillionaire.

SPAAR member Melissa Johnson, chair of SPAAR's Professionalism Committee, will moderate this book discussion every other Thursday morning at 9am starting on Thursday, February 6, through Thursday, April 3.

Register here for the book club, starting on February 6.

There are a limited number of books available for free, email srichards@spaar.com to pick one up while supplies last.

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