
Introducing SPAAR’s 2022 Board of Directors. This week: meet Chelsea Erickson

SPAAR - 08/09/2022

The SPAAR Board of Directors collectively shares that navigation sites, social media, Google and news are the most commonly used apps on their phones. For Chelsea Erickson, this week’s featured board member, both Gmail and social media are well-used apps.

Chelsea was recruited into the real estate industry 27 years ago and commented, “I quickly found out how much I loved it!” She had her sights set on becoming a pilot when she was younger.

When asked the best go-to paint color for a home, Chelsea recommends agreeable gray because it blends with all trim colors, including golden oak.

Chelsea enjoys lake life and sunshine when she isn’t working.

The SPAAR Board of Directors provides strategic direction, leadership and guidance for the Association and its committees. Thank you, Chelsea, for your work with SPAAR.

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