3.75 CE Hours

24/25 Required Module: Risk Management and Minnesota License Procedures

All non-exempt salespersons and brokers were required to complete this general module course before June 30, 2025. Essential topics relevant to real estate professionals are covered in this course including risk management strategies where students will learn how to identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with real estate transactions as well as leave this class understanding legal obligations, disclosure requirements, best practices, and more that will help in their day to day business.
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3.75 CE Hours

23/24 Required Module: Fair Housing, Agency Law, & Legal Update

*** REACTIVATION *** This course will provide real estate licensees with knowledge of Agency relationships and duties in Minnesota. Information will also be shared on RESPA, marketing services agreements and the new loan estimate form. Common Interest Ownership properties statutes will be covered, highlighting different types of properties, disclosure obligations, and rights. Additionally, fair housing laws and resources will be covered.
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