
Artists aged 2 to 101 participated in Fair Housing coloring contest

SPAAR - 07/15/2024

SPAAR recognized Fair Housing Month with its annual coloring contest this past spring. In its fifth year, 50-plus colorful entries were received. The coloring sheet communicates REALTORS®’ support for housing protections and the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 with the simple idea: “All are welcome in my neighborhood!”

Each entrant received a Dairy Queen gift card. In addition, one entry from each of the age categories received a Target gift card.

Prizes were provided by SPAAR’s Community Engagement Committee. In an unexpected development, SPAAR received a package of entries from Northfield Village Skilled Nursing Center in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. In partnership with Akron Cleveland Association of REALTORS® (ACAOR), the Associations will coordinate an ice cream social for residents of the center. Sharon, Northfield Village’s activities director, thanked SPAAR’s members for the opportunity to share community---and ice cream!

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