

Vote. Act. Invest.

What Is RPAC?

The largest political action committee in the state to be recognized as nonpartisan, the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) exists exclusively to raise money for and contribute to candidates who support Realtor® issues.

Why should I support RPAC?

RPAC isn’t a charity – it’s an investment in your business.

Realtors® are a key part of the American Dream: Homeownership. That dream and your livelihood, as a Realtor®, are under threat. Realtors® face many looming encumbrances on their profession: property tax increases, lack of available financing and burgeoning burdens on real estate transactions.


How does RPAC raise money?

A grassroots organization, RPAC relies on Realtors® like you to survive and thrive. RPAC receives contributions of all sizes from Realtors® from every corner of the state. Many Realtors® contribute along with their annual dues.

RPAC Investors


Who manages RPAC?

Minnesota RPAC is governed by a board of trustees. Its composition is determined by Minnesota RPAC bylaws. Per the bylaws, the Board is composed of up to 23 members. Some trustees serve in their capacity as a leader in the National Association of REALTORS®. Others are elected due to their role in local associations or as an “at-large” representative.

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