
2023 Fair Housing Coloring Contest

Rules, Prizes, and Additional Information

SPAAR - 02/24/2023

This year for Fair Housing, SPAAR is conducting a coloring contest open to everyone! Please read the contest rules and share with anyone who might like to participate. This contest is a great way to learn about Fair Housing and the importance of equal housing opportunities for everyone.


Contest Rules

1. The contest is open to everyone of all ages!

2. Only one entry per person

3. On the back of the coloring page, include contact information such as name, email, and phone number. If under 18, must be parent or guardian’s contact information.

4. Entries must be received by April 11, 2023 and can be submitted any of the following ways:

Drop-off or Mail to:
Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS®

Attn: Fair Housing Coloring Contest

325 East Roselawn Avenue

Saint Paul, MN 55117


Or scan/email us a high-resolution photo of the completed page

To: spaar@spaar.com

RE: Fair Housing Coloring Contest



$25 gift cards will be awarded to the select winners in each of the following age groups:

Group A: 6 or younger

Group B: 7-12 years old

Group C: 13-17 Years old

Group D: 18+


Please note:

All entries become the property of the Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS® (SPAAR) and may be used in press releases, displays and exhibits to promote Fair Housing in the Saint Paul area. SPAAR reserves the right to publish and or display all work.

Download Coloring Page

Learn about Fair Housing

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