
Communications Committee

Committee focus

The Communications Committee ensures member wants and needs are addressed in SPAAR communications, which includes member news and involvement, industry news and trends, and media relations. In doing so, the committee uses robust and current technologies to reach its audiences. In addition, the committee provides creative input for projects throughout the year.

Committee Involvement

SPAAR’s Communications Committee helps ensure the Association’s communications align with members’ needs to be successful in business as well as with industry trends, market news and more. In addition, the committee and provides creative input into various communications projects and initiatives.

SPAAR Toastmasters

The Communications Committee in 2019 started the first-ever SPAAR Toastmasters for members to gain confidence in presentation skills, meeting efficiency and practice opportunities to hone speaking skills.

With meetings twice a month, SPAAR Toastmasters is a great way to grow professionally within the industry. Learn more about Toastmasters, International, here.

Member Surveys and Focus Groups

Every other year SPAAR’s Communications Committee has the fun task of reaching out to members to hear what’s working and what could be improved. Through feedback from a member survey as well as a series of focus groups, your input helps shape the direction of SPAAR’s focus year after year in order to provide the best service, programs, opportunities and resources possible.

Join The Committee

Questions? Contact Jennifer Kovacich


Committee Members

Staff Liaison – Jennifer Kovacich

Chair – Amanda Cox

Vice-Chair – Ben Smith

Member – Erica Brodd

Member – Chelsea Erickson

Member – Patti Jo Fitzpatrick

Member – Susan Mall

Member – Nichole Hayden

Member – Jordan Potts

Member – Patrick Ruble

Member – Lynne Violett